Monday, June 8, 2009

Susan e-mails Rush!

I did something today I have never done before, and that is e-mail Rush Limbaugh. I was so taken--so moved--by a portion of his monologue today that I wanted to tell him so (I am not that easily moved, believe me.) I have copied it below. If he or his screeners respond to my request, I will let you all know.

Dear Rush,

First time writer.

I try to listen most every day, at least to part of the program. I have been listening for about 4 years. (Someday I want to tell you more about how I came to the point of listening regularly but that is not why I wrote today.)

I am not a sentimental person and it takes alot to engage my emotions to the point of wanting to weep. But you brought me to that point today. It was the 15-20 minutes (if I remember correctly) after the half-hour during the first hour. (1:30 Indiana time, up to the 1st break, again if I am remembering correctly.)

It was when you were (correctly) excoriating Obama for his continually blaming Bush for the economic crisis. I liked your line, "it is time to act like a man". And you are correct when you call his behavior babyish.

But what really got to me was your beautifully phrased and utterly impassioned delivery of "what Obama inherited", when you listed--item after item and aspect after aspect--those things of America's greatness that it is Obama's utter privilege to inherit. It was absolutely moving, Rush.

There was alot of (nonsense) talk during the campaign about Obama's "soaring rhetoric". Today, you defined soaring rhetoric. Your magnificent recital of those gifts given to Obama by America almost stunned me (I am a crusty old biddy!) by its beauty. I almost cried! Thank you.

I am not a member of Rush 27. At the age of 58, I lost my full-time employment and am trying to live on about 2/3rds employment now without benefits. So I have to choose carefully where my money goes. However, I am wondering if it is possible to have a transcript of this particular segment of your show? I want to keep it to myself as a gift and reminder to me. I also will send it to several friends who will enjoy it greatly. (There is a small but very faithful group of women and married couple friends of mine here in my small community who communicate regularly--usually through e-mail [see the CC box above]--about the Obama presidency and the damage it is doing. I know for sure I would share it with them.)

If there is a better way to communicate my appreciation for your show to you, please let me know what it is.

God bless you for what you are doing. Thank God someone is that strong and intelligent and willing to put themself out there.

Susan Hanscom (Rev.)
609 E. Harrison
Martinsville, IN 46151
(765) 318-1423


  1. Susan, your big brother is ashamed of you - not for your political views, but for these words which hardly reflect the Golden Rule or the second part of Christ's Summary of the Law.

  2. Here is the logical extension of your un-Christian thoughts:
